Irritable bowel syndrome

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders. It affects at least 10-15% of the population worldwide and can significantly affect a patient's quality of life. It is characterized by chronic intestinal complaints such as abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea or constipation. In this article we will take a closer look at the symptoms of this unpleasant disease.

Abdominal pains

The most common symptom of irritable bowel syndrome is abdominal pains. They can occur in various places, such as the lower abdomen, the belly button area or the lower intestinal area. The pains can be moderate or severe and usually occur after eating a meal. In the case of irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pains are usually experienced for an extended period of time, which greatly affects the patient's daily functioning.


Flatulence is another common symptom of intestinal disorders. Patients with irritable bowel syndrome often experience excessive gas and discomfort in the abdominal area due to this bloating. A disturbed digestive process contributes to their formation, leading to excessive gas accumulation in the digestive tract.

Diarrhea and constipation

Irritable bowel syndrome can also be manifested by alternating episodes of diarrhea and constipation. Diarrhea is characterized by frequent loose stools, while constipation involves difficulty or infrequency of bowel movements. These two extremes further aggravate the patient's comfort and hinder daily functioning.

Feeling of incomplete bowel movements

People with irritable bowel syndrome often experience a feeling of incomplete bowel movement after the defecation process is over. Despite having a bowel movement, they may feel discomfort and the sensation that they have not fully emptied their bowel. This feeling may persist for an extended period of time, affecting the patient's mood and mental comfort.

Emotional reactions

Irritable bowel syndrome often affects a patient's emotional state. Stress, anxiety, depression and frustration are often present in sufferers. Experiencing painful symptoms and lifestyle restrictions on a daily basis leads to a diminished quality of life and often leads to depressive states.


Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic gastrointestinal condition that negatively affects a patient's quality of life. It manifests itself primarily through abdominal pain, bloating, alternating episodes of diarrhea and constipation, feelings of incomplete bowel movements and emotional reactions. In case of intestinal complaints, it is worth consulting a doctor, who can recommend appropriate treatment and dietary changes to improve the quality of life of a person with irritable bowel syndrome.



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