Diagnosis and therapy of intestinal diseases of children


Intestinal diseases are quite common in children and can cause many unpleasant symptoms that significantly affect their quality of life. In today's article, we will discuss the diagnosis and treatment of intestinal diseases in children to help parents better understand and cope with this problem.

Diagnosis of intestinal diseases

Diagnosis of intestinal diseases in children can be complicated because many symptoms can have similar causes. However, it is important to recognize and identify the type of intestinal disease in time to apply the appropriate treatment. Here are some of the most important methods of diagnosis:

1. Medical history: the doctor takes a thorough medical history, asking questions about the symptoms the child is experiencing. The parent should describe all symptoms in detail so the doctor can get a complete picture.

2. Physical examination: The doctor performs a thorough physical examination of the child, from palpation of the abdomen to an assessment of general health. This allows the doctor to identify any abnormalities in the intestines, such as swelling, soreness, etc.

3. Laboratory tests: Blood and stool tests can provide information on the presence of infection, inflammation or other abnormalities in the child's body. In addition, a stool test can help detect the presence of parasites or blood in the intestines.

4. Imaging tests: In some cases, imaging tests such as ultrasound, CT scan or MRI are necessary to assess the condition of the intestines and look for possible structural changes, such as strictures or intestinal blockages.

Therapy for intestinal diseases

Therapy for intestinal diseases in children varies and depends on the type and severity of the disease. In some cases, dietary changes are enough, while in others pharmacotherapy is necessary. Here are some of the most common therapies:

1. Elimination diet: In the case of a food allergy or intolerance, the doctor may recommend eliminating certain ingredients from the child's diet. This may include, but is not limited to, eliminating lactose, gluten or food allergens such as soy or eggs. It is important to conduct such a diet under the supervision of a doctor or nutritionist.

2. Drug treatment: In some cases, medication is necessary, such as antibiotics for intestinal bacterial infections, antiparasitic drugs for the presence of parasites, or anti-inflammatory drugs for inflammatory bowel conditions. It is important to always follow your doctor's instructions and follow the dosage carefully.

3. Supplementation: In some cases, dietary supplements, such as probiotics, are necessary to restore a healthy gut flora. Supplements can also help strengthen children's immune systems, which is especially important for intestinal problems.

4. Dietary therapy: If necessary, your doctor may recommend a customized diet to help maintain a child's healthy gut. This may include eating more fiber, avoiding fatty and fattening foods, and eating regular meals.


Diagnosis and treatment of intestinal diseases in children requires the cooperation of parents and the doctor. It is important to accurately describe all the symptoms the child is experiencing so that the doctor can effectively identify the cause and plan appropriate treatment. In addition, parents should be ready to adjust their child's diet and regularly check intestinal health to avoid possible complications. Remember that a healthy gut is the key to a child's well-being and proper development.


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